Monday, November 23, 2009


I am thankful for many things but as I sit here at my desk, I decided to make a list. Here goes:
1. I am most thankful for Josiah. I have the most wonderful, caring son a mom could ask for. He is very well behaved and thoughtful of others around here. He is tough but sensitive all in one. He is respectful and very obediant. He loves the outdoors and going to sporting events. He loves to run and be a boy!
2. I am thankful for my family, even when they drive me nuts sometimes. But I guess that is what makes them family. RIGHT?!?!?!?!
3. I am thankful that I realized I needed to make changes in my everyday life before my weight got totally out of control and it was to late.
4. I am thankful for my friends. I have the most wonderful friends that I love to be around as much as possible. I am also thankful that most of them are living the same healthy lifestyle so they are good influences on me.
5. I am thankful for my job. If I have been able to influence one student since I have been a teacher, then I would call it a success!! I know I am tough, but I demand excellence so that they can be successful when they are out on their own. Things will not just be given to them, they will have to earn it. I tell them to be nice to nerds, chances are they will work for one some day. :)
6. I am thankul for having the same days off as Josiah so that we can take the best vacations together. No sitting in the house for us!
7. I am thankful for the chance to compete in marathons and triathlons. Even though I will never win, I get to go out and compete against myself to better myself!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Congrats Amber!

One of my softball girls signed her letter of intent to play softball on full scholarship at Texas A&M next year!! Good luck Amber in everything you do!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Let the Training Begin!

I gave in to the gym and joined LA Fitness this week so I can get back in the pool. I swam for 35 minutes today. New Orleans 70.3 training has begun....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Off the Wagon....

Ugh...I am disgusted and disappointed with myself. I have gained back 2 pounds from my 62 pounds lost in the last couple of weeks! I haven't been tracking what I eat and I do believe I ate ALL of Josiah's Halloween candy. I was doing so good that I didn't realize how much I was missing candy, mainly chocolate!!!
Well, NO MORE!!! After my weigh in today I am back on track. I am still at 60 lbs lost and plan on heading back negative! I really want to be down 70 before the Houston Marathon in January and down 80 before New Orleans 70.3. If you see me, make sure I am not slipping!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Luke's Locker Half Marathon Report

I have been really busy this week so it has taken me forever to get my race report together.
I had an excellent half marathon. I could not have asked for a better run. Last Thursday my friend Janelle emailed me asking me what my raceplan was. I had been thinking about my race plan but had not told anybody what it was for fear of them thinking I was crazy and not wanting any negative thoughts. I told her I hoped to break 3 hours. If it was a great day I would try for 2:50-2:55. Then I would shoot for 2:45 in the Houston Half Marathon in January.
Race morning I woke up and ate my yogurt and peanut butter sandwich. I went to the bathroom twice so I new it would be a great day! ;) I forgot I had drank the last of the coffee the day before so I called my friend who was picking me up and asked her to bring me a cup. Thanks Melissa!
I got to the race and was calmer than I had ever been. I wasn't nervous at all and that was totally different than any race before. I felt positive. I overheard another runner in my marathon training group tell someone that she was going to race this race slow and run with me. WHAT?!?!?!?! NOT COOL!!!! So now I was pissed.
I told my running partner Steph what was said as we lined up at the start and she calmed me down and reminded me that speed was relative to each person. We started off at a 12:30 pace which was fast for me and probably slow for Steph but I was able to keep the pace going throughout. I ran a good race staying with Steph through the last turnaround point before we seperated. She finished 1 min 30 sec ahead of me which was great for her because she is having a tough season. When I passed mile 12 I looked at my watch and realized I was going to break 3 hours and possibly shatter it so I took off.
Finish Time: 2:49:21
Previous Best Finish Time: 3:19
30 minute PR!!!! WOOHOO And the other runner who was going to run "slow" with me....she finished in 3:03. Hmmmm.....
After further deliberations with a lot of my running friends, I have decided to run the Houston full marathon and this will be the year I break 6 hrs for the marathon. My marathon PR is 6:44 at Austin in 2007. My best Houston Marathon finish time is 7:01.
What have I gotten myself into?!?!?!?! :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Still going and going...

Weighed in today....down 61lbs now! WOOHOO!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I get to...

I have to... No, I don't have to. I want to. I get to.
I get to charge up this hill. I get to wake up early and run. I get to hit the gym after work. I get to work with high school athletes. I get to make dinner for my child. I get to clean my house. I get to pack lunches. I get to help with homework. I get to take Josiah to football. I get to pick him up from school. I get to go to the grocery store. I get to run an errand/do a favor for my friends. I get to call my Mom/Dad/grandparents today. I get to help my neighbors while they are out of town. I get to make healthy choices for my next meal. I get to stand up for myself or someone I love. I get to train for this marathon, triathlon, half-marathon, 10K, 5K....

Thanks Kristen Armstrong for this reminder!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I noticed something while running today...I have lost enough weight that my thighs don't rub and chafe anymore! NICE!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Need to Race...

I was thinking today and have come to the conclusion that I am ready to race! After last year's Vineman 70.3, I took some time off and then I only competed in 2 triathlons this year. I did the MH Sugar Land Tri in June and River Cities in August. I am BORED!!! I was running this morning and the sun was out and I was having a great run when all of a sudden I thought, WHY HAVEN'T I RACED IN SO LONG??? Since there aren't really any tri's for me to do coming up and I don't have much time for swimming and biking, I guess it is time to find a road race. The warm-up series half marathon seems so far off at the end of October. I'm thinking of the 10 for Texas in the Woodlands on October 10th...anybody run it before and have insight on this one???

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First week of School

1. School is really messing with my workout/social calender.

2. I haven't seen some of my friends in weeks. :(

3. I still hate freshman, and they gave me an advisory period with 18 of them! I have to see them every Wednesday for 30 minnutes...UGH! I told them today that I hate freshman and this is their chance to change my mind about a whole sub population. :)

4. Josiah has already asked me how many days until Christmas vacation...and he is only in 1st grade! LOL

5. Three friends that I dearly love are doing Ironman Canada this Sunday...and I wish I was there to cheer them on!!! They are going to do great! I had so much fun with 2 of them at Vineman 70.3 last year.

6. I can't wait for New Orleans 70.3...I am gonna ROCK IT!

7. I have finally done it...50 POUNDS LOST SINCE February 1st!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Zone

I had a great run today....I was in the ZONE! 6 miles in 72 minutes. Last year I ran the half marathon in 3:42...this year I am aiming for sub 3 hours.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


...I'll see you in November, when football season is over! Practice starts tomorrow...

Monday, July 27, 2009

5 Things on my mind...

1. I must drink more water on Friday if I am going to make it through my
long workouts on the weekends without cramping and having to recover
for 2 days.
2. Don't trust anybody in education...they all lie!
3. Only 1 more week until I go back to work. Yuck! See #2...
4. Rivercities this weekend! WOOHOO!! I can't wait to travel with Patty,
Pam, and Catherine to Shreveport.
5. I have scrubbed my house and got things ready for next week. I am
way ahead of the schedule.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

California Girl

I miss California so much when I am not there. Thank god I was able to take Josiah and go for 2 weeks, the best 2 weeks we have ever had since he was born. He is at the perfect travel age where if he doesnt get a nap it is okay, no breakdowns! We went for walks on the beach, boogey boarding, to Legoland twice (Josiah's first roller coaster), the San Diego Wild Animal Park, the San Diego Zoo, saw Transformers 2, the Redwoods in Northern California, and Benny's wedding. ALL IN 2 WEEKS! Whew! I need a vacation from my vacation. Good news: I didn't gain weight in California! :)

Pacific Beach in San Diego

Boogey Boarding in Oceanside

Redwood Park in Arcata, CA

Benny and I the night before his wedding

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

MH Sugar Land Tri

I had the best triathlon of my triathlon career on Sunday. I am getting faster. Here are my average times from all of my triathlons!

31:43:00 Lonestar 2008
965 m
3:17 min/100m

47:29:00 Captex 2008
1500 m
3:10 min/100m

47:52:00 Clear Lake Long Course 2008
2:38 min/100m

52:09.7 Vineman 70.3 2008
1.2 miles

08:15.4 SL Tri 2009
300 m
2:45 min/100m

1:54:58 Lonestar 2008
28 miles
14.6 mph

1:36:27 Captex 2008
15.4 mph

2:26:41 Clear Lake Long Course 2008
16.43 mph

4:08:34 Vineman 70.3 2008
56 miles

32:46.1 Sugar Land Tri 2009
10 miles
18.3 mph


1:41:11 Lonestar 2008
6.5 miles
15:34 min/mile

1:38:51 Captex 2008
15:55 min/mile

2:37:32 Clear Lake Long Course 2008
16:56 min/mile

3:27:46 Vineman 70.3 2008
13.1 miles
15:51 min/mile

40:41.1 Sugar Land Tri 2009
3 miles
13:34 min/mile

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Forty is:
-To understand a people, you must live among them for 40 days. ~Arabic proverb
-the caliber of the bullet in the .40 S&W handgun cartridge
-in the Saying "Life begins at forty"
-the distance run in the 40 yard dash in American football scouting
-A song by Dave Matthews Band
-the number of years of marriage as the ruby wedding anniversary
-the code for direct dial international phone calls to Romania
-the number in the designation of:
Interstate 40, a freeway that runs from California to North Carolina
-"40", a 1983 song by U2 from their album War
-The band Crush 40
-in the name of WD-40, a spray lubricant
-in the name of the food additive FD & C Red Dye #40, commonly known as "Red 40"
-the 40 ounce (1.183 liter) size used for liquor, typically fairly cheap malt liquor; a person sometimes "pours a forty on the curb", i.e., pours out said bottle onto the street, in memory of a person who has died
-the number of thieves in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
-the customary number of hours in a regular workweek in some Western countries. The song, "40 Hour Week (For a Livin')" by Alabama (as well as their album, 40-Hour Week), takes its name from the standard workweek length.
-the classic Russian vodka is alcohol content 40 percent by volume
-the jersey number of Pat Tillman, which was retired by the Arizona Cardinals
-the jersey number of Gayle Sayers, which was retired by the Chicago Bears
-The Rolling Stones CD "Forty Licks"
-the number of positions on a number of radio countdown programs, most notably American Top 40 and American Country Countdown.
-forty is the number of weeks for an average term of pregnancy
-Ronald Reagan was the 40th president from 1981 to 1989.

40 is the number of pounds I have now lost on weight watchers since Jan 30th!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

It's Official

It's official, I registered last night. Ironman 70.3 New I come. I am on a mission.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My brother is going down....

I went for a nice trail run with my friends tonight...I came home to this!! WTF!! My brother will pay! It is WAR!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Holy Hades!!!

Are you serious??? I almost died when running today and it was only 95°. If it is this hot in June, what can we expect in August??? This is the 3 day forecast for Houston. Lovely...

FriJun 12
Partly Cloudy

SatJun 13
Partly Cloudy

SunJun 14
Partly Cloudy

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Josiah!!

My baby is getting so big and old! He has finished Kindergarten and is on to 1st grde next year. He finished the year at DAR level 6. you have to be level 2 to move to 1st grade so he is well prepared! Sunday we had his birthday party at Southwest Indoor Soccer. We had 20 kids ages 3-7 running crazy all over the field. They had a blast.
Yesterday we had chocolate chip Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast. YUMMY!! I always let him pick his birthday breakfast and that was his choice! I was secretly hoping for cake and ice cream for breakfast. LOL
Josiah had one request for his birthday...a Nintendo DS and games. We are flying to California next month (5 hour flight) and he needs entertainment. We are also driving the length of California for a wedding while there (14 hours each way) so a Nintendo DS it was! He also got some games he wanted.Last night we went to the Astros-Cubs game for the last part of his big day. Althought the Cubs killed the Astros, we had a great time together.Now we are on to our summer vacation.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This is how I feel after yesterday's fun pool party! I am now down 35 pounds as of Friday's weigh in but up 2 pounds today after yesterday's fun in the sun!

Monday, May 11, 2009


= 2 x 3 x 5
= 2 x 15
= 3 x 10
= 5 x 6
= 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10
= 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8
= 1 + 4 + 9 + 16
A pyramidal number - the sum of the first four square numbers.
There are 30 days in April, June, September and November.
Dodecahedrons and icosahedrons both have 30 edges.
30 mph is the UK speed limit for vehicles driving in a built up area.
Thirty something was a television drama series about American yuppies in their thirties.
The Thirty Years' War was a European war from 1618 to 1648.
In old British money half-a-crown (or half-a-dollar) was a coin worth 30 old pence.
A pearl anniversary celebrates 30 years.
The best known feature of Stonehenge is the Sarsen Circle which was built as 30 upright stones with 30 lintel stones on top of them. Only 16 remain standing today.

30 is the number of pounds I have now lost on Weight Watchers in 14 weeks!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Teacher Appreciation Week

My friend sent me this picture in an email today...I hope she was trying to be funny!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Baseball and More Baseball...

This week it seemed as if I was over taken by the baseball gods. Varsity baseball Monday night until 10:35 pm. Varsity baseball Tuesday night until 10:45 pm. Dodgers-Astros Wednesday night until late. I AM TIRED OF BASEBALL...ok...I said it. I got it out there. I AM TIRED OF BASEBALL.
I got in a long bike ride on Tuesday between school and the baseball game. It was nice and relaxing. A strong headwind on my way back but not to bad overall.
Wednesday I took Josiah to the new asthma/allergy doctor. Since it was the first appt., I didn't think it would be long and actual testing with needles would be done. I bought tickets to the Astros-Dodgers for the same night thinking no problem. Well, 2 hours later we were leaving the doctor and Josiah had missed seeing James Loney to have him sign his jersey. He got the prong tests in his back (24 prongs). It comes up he is allergic to cats and dust mites. Well, seeing how we don't have cats and we don't have any carpet for the dust mites to live in(ceramic tile floors in entire house), I don't think that is what is causing the asthma and sickness. He goes for further testing on May 5th so stay tuned.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I Hit 10%!!

I finally hit my 10% weight loss goal. After 2 -0 lb weight loss weeks, I lost 5 lbs this week to go over my 10% goal by 2 lbs!!! WOOHOO!!! To celebrate I went got a haircut, color, and hilights for the summer!! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Josiah is...

EAGLE OF THE MONTH for his school!!! They pick 1 student in each grade and he got it for Kindergarten for all of his hard work in getting caught back up from when he was sick for so long. I just got back from going to get him a die cast Star Wars ship to go with his collection.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Breakfast - Do or Don't

In my house, breakfast is required. And I'm not talking about a bowl of cold cereal. I get up early every morning to make Josiah breakfast before I go to work and he goes to school. It has been proven over and over that kids do better in school if they have eaten a good breakfast to start the day. Breakfast wakes up the brain. They also have better behavior when they have a full stomach.
This morning one of my coworkers and his wife dropped their son off at 5:45 am because they were leaving at 6:00 am with students from school on a trip. I was to drop their son off with Josiah at school. I told them last night not to worry about breakfast because I always cook and I would make sure he got a good breakfast also. His dad stated, "He will be so excited because we never cook breakfast."
When he came in this morning I had a hot breakfast of turkey bacon and cinnamon oatmeal ready for him to eat with Josiah. He said he had brought a snack for breakfast instead. He sat there and ate a chocolate and cream filled pop tart instead. WHAT?!?!?! That is what they let him eat in the morning?!?!?!That was fine with Josiah, he got an extra piece of bacon this morning.
So what do you think about breakfast???? And do you cook for your kids in the morning??? I get up at 4:45 so that I can make breakfast when we could do without and get up at 5:20. Hmmmm....I think I will keep making breakfast.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend Recap

Friday we went to my brother's graduation from the DPS Academy in Austin. My other brother flew in from Cali Thursday. It was great to be with both of my brothers at the same time. I miss them! After graduation Friday, Josiah wanted to go see the capitol building since they are studying Texas history in school right now. I took him for a quick picture out front and promised him we would go back and tour it this summer.
Saturday we got up bright and early to drive back to Sugar Land for Josiah's soccer game. I made my mom come with me to watch him but mostly to keep me company on the 2 hour drive each way. Josiah did great and scored his 1st goal of the year in only his 2nd game of the year! His team won 11-2. He made me promise to make him spaghetti for the big win and goal. After his game we drove back to the ranch by La Grange.
Sunday was relaxing day. Since I didn't get up in time to run at Town Lake Saturday, I had to run at the ranch instead. I went out for a nice 8 mile run through the rolling hills. I think I run better on the hills than on the flat roads of Sugar Land. Maybe because it is relaxing and peaceful out there. After my run I went to the store to get the stuff for Chunky Spaghetti as Josiah calls it (lots of veggies). I made Josiah his spaghetti at the ranch and then we drove home. My brother from Cali told Josiah thanks for getting a goal and win because he loves my spaghetti!

Now it is back to work and the real world....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Road Trip...

Josiah and I are heading to Austin for the weekend when I get off work today. My youngest brother, Alton, has passed his exams and graduates from the DPS Academy Friday morning. I'm hoping to get my long run in Saturday morning around Austin Town Lake before I have to drive back to Houston for Josiah's soccer game. When his game is over we will drive back to the ranch until Sunday night to spend more time with the family. My other brother, Matt, is flying in tonight for the weekend from Santa Rosa, CA where he is a police officer. I am going to take my bike to ride the Hill Country at the ranch Sunday morning. I love it when there is nobody else on the roads but the cows staring through the fences...

Monday, March 23, 2009

School's Back In...

It was soooo hard to get up this morning. I hit snooze 4 times and I don't usually hit it at all. I usually wake up before my 4:45 am alarm on my own! And getting Josiah up was a whole other story...

The good news is....ONLY 10 WEEKS UNTIL SUMMER BREAK!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Week 7 Weigh In

Week 7: -4 lbs
Week 6: -2 lbs
Week 5: -2 lbs
Week 4: -2 lbs
Week 3: -1 lb
Week 2: -4 lbs
Week 1: -6 lbs

Total Weight Loss: -21 lbs

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm back from Vegas...

...and it is time to start riding my bike! NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I should be picking up my new bike trainer tomorrow!

Week 6 WI

Week 6: -2 lbs
Week 5: -2 lbs
Week 4: -2 lb
Week 3: -1 lb
Week 2: -4 lbs
Week 1: -6 lbs

Total To Date: -17 lbs!!!! Can you believe I didn't gain in Vegas!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I can taste it....

I am running every day this I can eat this when I land in Vegas tomorrow night! Double Double with a strawberry shake....come to mama...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Week 5 Weigh In

Week 5: -2 lbs
Week 4: -2 lbs
Week 3: -1 lb
Week 2: -4 lbs
Week 1: -6 lbs

Total Weight Loss: -15 lbs

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's here...

...and the correct size.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Beautiful Monday

What a beautiful morning for a run! I didn't have time to run this weekend due to work, so I did my long run this morning while at work!! :) When the football kids left for 2nd period, I ran 6 miles. It was perfect, no wind, no humidity...WOW!!! These are the days that make me like running again.
Sam is orering me a new bike trainer so no more excuses...I will be able to either ride at 4:00am before I get ready for work or at night when I get home...probably at night. Now if I could get motivated to get in the pool and swim. Oh how I miss living right next to the ocean....

Who wears an X-Small????

My pretty new wetsuit that was suppose to come in an XL...was an XS when delivered. I don't think the leg would fit over one of my arms. The correct size is on the way...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 4 WI...

Week 4: -2 lbs
Week 3: -1 lb
Week 2: -4 lbs
Week 1: -6 lbs

-13 lbs Total!!! WOOHOO!!! is good. But...I think I will save all of my points tomorrow for Deb's martini party so no food! hehehehehe

Friday, February 20, 2009

Zoot Wetsuit

My pretty new wetsuit that is on it's way to my house. MAJOR SALE!!!

Week 3 WI

Week 3 Weigh In: -1 lb
Week 2 Weigh In: -4 lbs
Week 1 Weigh In: -6 lbs

Total Weight Watchers Weight Loss: -11 lbs

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Skipping Class...

Ever since Josiah was in the hospital for 5 days, he has not been the same. He is always tired and has been acting up in class. He has a bad behavior note for 5 of the 12 school days this month. Talking, not listening and following directions, and not doing his work primarily. He hasn't been in trouble since the first week of school. WHY NOW???? He doesn't want to go to school. He wants to stay home with me every day and watch cartoons instead like he got to do in the hospital. Yesterday I get a note home from his teacher asking if Josiah still needs to be getting breathing treatments after lunch every day. She then emailed me also. It seems Josiah has been telling her he is to get a nebulizer treatment every day after lunch for the past week and a half. When I asked him about it, he started smiling. Uh Oh. The nurse saw Josiah in the hall yesterday and asked where he was going. He told her he was on his way to her office to get a breathing treatment because I told him to. She told him that I had not called her and I always call about his treatments. She checked him out, he was fine, and sent him back to class with no treatment. I asked him about the other days.

Josiah: "But mom...I didn't go get treatments the other days."

Me: "Where did you go"

Josiah: "Walking around the halls seeing what else is going on."

WHAT?!?!?!?! He is 5 and in Kindergarten and is already skipping class!!!! UUGH!!! And his teacher doesn't even know it....BUSTED!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Week 2 WI

Week 2 Weigh In: - 4 lbs
Week 1 Weigh In: - 6 lbs

Total Weight Watchers Weight Loss - 10 lbs!!!!!

So I just ordered these pretty shoes from Steve Madden to celebrate!!!