Thursday, November 12, 2009

Off the Wagon....

Ugh...I am disgusted and disappointed with myself. I have gained back 2 pounds from my 62 pounds lost in the last couple of weeks! I haven't been tracking what I eat and I do believe I ate ALL of Josiah's Halloween candy. I was doing so good that I didn't realize how much I was missing candy, mainly chocolate!!!
Well, NO MORE!!! After my weigh in today I am back on track. I am still at 60 lbs lost and plan on heading back negative! I really want to be down 70 before the Houston Marathon in January and down 80 before New Orleans 70.3. If you see me, make sure I am not slipping!!!

1 comment:

sassy stephanie said...

Give yourself a break. The important thing is you realized the slip and you are ready to get back on the wagon! Sixty is still an AWESOME number!