Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First week of School

1. School is really messing with my workout/social calender.

2. I haven't seen some of my friends in weeks. :(

3. I still hate freshman, and they gave me an advisory period with 18 of them! I have to see them every Wednesday for 30 minnutes...UGH! I told them today that I hate freshman and this is their chance to change my mind about a whole sub population. :)

4. Josiah has already asked me how many days until Christmas vacation...and he is only in 1st grade! LOL

5. Three friends that I dearly love are doing Ironman Canada this Sunday...and I wish I was there to cheer them on!!! They are going to do great! I had so much fun with 2 of them at Vineman 70.3 last year.

6. I can't wait for New Orleans 70.3...I am gonna ROCK IT!

7. I have finally done it...50 POUNDS LOST SINCE February 1st!

1 comment:

sassy stephanie said...

Wow. Five-oh? I'm so proud. And envious. I just (AGAIN) signed up to give WW a run for their money. Hopefully this time I can stick to it...I'll turn to you for inspiration!

Post a recent pic of you...I wanna see the skinny June!