Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Need to Race...

I was thinking today and have come to the conclusion that I am ready to race! After last year's Vineman 70.3, I took some time off and then I only competed in 2 triathlons this year. I did the MH Sugar Land Tri in June and River Cities in August. I am BORED!!! I was running this morning and the sun was out and I was having a great run when all of a sudden I thought, WHY HAVEN'T I RACED IN SO LONG??? Since there aren't really any tri's for me to do coming up and I don't have much time for swimming and biking, I guess it is time to find a road race. The warm-up series half marathon seems so far off at the end of October. I'm thinking of the 10 for Texas in the Woodlands on October 10th...anybody run it before and have insight on this one???

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