-6 pounds
Saturday I had a nice easy 4 mile run with Lurlean catching up on what has been going on with us the last month. She went to the inauguration so she had plenty of stories about that and I had to fill her in about Josiah's hospital stays. Which brings us to my post run phone call. My friend called to tell me Josiah woke up wheezing again. ARE YOU F*#^ING KIDDING ME???? There will not be any more hospital bills at my house this year! I go pick him up after I got off of work and sure enough he was wheezing. Of course I was suppose to go to my friends 40th birthday dress like it is 1969 party that night. Didn't happen. At 2:20 am we left the house for Texas Children's hospital again. We saw a drunk driving accident happen right in front of us on 59...kept going...if they were stupid enough to drink and drive...my child is to sick for me to stop and help you! We get to the ER and his oxygen level is 98. THANK GOD!!! The nurse said...it is a 4 hour wait! WHAT?!?!?! A true emergency doesn't wait 4 hours. Thanks but no thanks. So we ran out and flagged down the valet parker right before he left with our car and headed home. I have kept up his inhaler treatments throughout the weekend and he was good enough to go to school today. He did go to sleep at 4:30 yesterday afternoon and slept until I woke him for school this morning...
This is just not right....That little boy is too precious to be suffering like this! BTW congrats on the weight loss.
Man that poor boy has had a CRAPPY 09 so far!
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