Monday, April 28, 2008

Bike Nutrition

What a great 32 mile bike ride I had yesterday! Usually I am out of energy by the time I hit the neighborhood on my way back into Belin Park...BUT NOT YESTERDAY!!!! I may have found the secret! I took 3 shot blocks every 10 miles and ate a peanut butter and pretzel mojo bar at the halfway point. I felt so good I did a 3.5 mile brick run when I was finished. I know some people are thinking that I was taking in a lot...but when you are bigger, you need more nutrition while exercising. Nothing is worse than having your stomach start growling at you when you still have 15 miles to ride. My stomach didn't growl until 5 minutes before I finished running! Thanks to Melissa and Meera for a great ride!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Welcome to my new blog! This blog is for me to tell funny happenings from the back of the pack! When you are have more fun with your training and such. You aren't as worried with shaving precious minutes off your time as you are about what you are wearing! We always smile because we doesn't matter how long it took! My hero is Jayne Williams who wrote the book Slow Fat Triathlete: Pursue Your Athletic Dreams in the Body You Have Now. This is a must read for all back of the packers...she keeps you laughing the whole book. Well, happy reading. I hope you enjoy yourselves every time you read my blog.