Monday, November 23, 2009


I am thankful for many things but as I sit here at my desk, I decided to make a list. Here goes:
1. I am most thankful for Josiah. I have the most wonderful, caring son a mom could ask for. He is very well behaved and thoughtful of others around here. He is tough but sensitive all in one. He is respectful and very obediant. He loves the outdoors and going to sporting events. He loves to run and be a boy!
2. I am thankful for my family, even when they drive me nuts sometimes. But I guess that is what makes them family. RIGHT?!?!?!?!
3. I am thankful that I realized I needed to make changes in my everyday life before my weight got totally out of control and it was to late.
4. I am thankful for my friends. I have the most wonderful friends that I love to be around as much as possible. I am also thankful that most of them are living the same healthy lifestyle so they are good influences on me.
5. I am thankful for my job. If I have been able to influence one student since I have been a teacher, then I would call it a success!! I know I am tough, but I demand excellence so that they can be successful when they are out on their own. Things will not just be given to them, they will have to earn it. I tell them to be nice to nerds, chances are they will work for one some day. :)
6. I am thankul for having the same days off as Josiah so that we can take the best vacations together. No sitting in the house for us!
7. I am thankful for the chance to compete in marathons and triathlons. Even though I will never win, I get to go out and compete against myself to better myself!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Congrats Amber!

One of my softball girls signed her letter of intent to play softball on full scholarship at Texas A&M next year!! Good luck Amber in everything you do!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Let the Training Begin!

I gave in to the gym and joined LA Fitness this week so I can get back in the pool. I swam for 35 minutes today. New Orleans 70.3 training has begun....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Off the Wagon....

Ugh...I am disgusted and disappointed with myself. I have gained back 2 pounds from my 62 pounds lost in the last couple of weeks! I haven't been tracking what I eat and I do believe I ate ALL of Josiah's Halloween candy. I was doing so good that I didn't realize how much I was missing candy, mainly chocolate!!!
Well, NO MORE!!! After my weigh in today I am back on track. I am still at 60 lbs lost and plan on heading back negative! I really want to be down 70 before the Houston Marathon in January and down 80 before New Orleans 70.3. If you see me, make sure I am not slipping!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Luke's Locker Half Marathon Report

I have been really busy this week so it has taken me forever to get my race report together.
I had an excellent half marathon. I could not have asked for a better run. Last Thursday my friend Janelle emailed me asking me what my raceplan was. I had been thinking about my race plan but had not told anybody what it was for fear of them thinking I was crazy and not wanting any negative thoughts. I told her I hoped to break 3 hours. If it was a great day I would try for 2:50-2:55. Then I would shoot for 2:45 in the Houston Half Marathon in January.
Race morning I woke up and ate my yogurt and peanut butter sandwich. I went to the bathroom twice so I new it would be a great day! ;) I forgot I had drank the last of the coffee the day before so I called my friend who was picking me up and asked her to bring me a cup. Thanks Melissa!
I got to the race and was calmer than I had ever been. I wasn't nervous at all and that was totally different than any race before. I felt positive. I overheard another runner in my marathon training group tell someone that she was going to race this race slow and run with me. WHAT?!?!?!?! NOT COOL!!!! So now I was pissed.
I told my running partner Steph what was said as we lined up at the start and she calmed me down and reminded me that speed was relative to each person. We started off at a 12:30 pace which was fast for me and probably slow for Steph but I was able to keep the pace going throughout. I ran a good race staying with Steph through the last turnaround point before we seperated. She finished 1 min 30 sec ahead of me which was great for her because she is having a tough season. When I passed mile 12 I looked at my watch and realized I was going to break 3 hours and possibly shatter it so I took off.
Finish Time: 2:49:21
Previous Best Finish Time: 3:19
30 minute PR!!!! WOOHOO And the other runner who was going to run "slow" with me....she finished in 3:03. Hmmmm.....
After further deliberations with a lot of my running friends, I have decided to run the Houston full marathon and this will be the year I break 6 hrs for the marathon. My marathon PR is 6:44 at Austin in 2007. My best Houston Marathon finish time is 7:01.
What have I gotten myself into?!?!?!?! :)