A couple of days after the half marathon, Josiah had an asthma flare up from the unlimited weather changes we experience in Houston! I took him to his pediatrician and he was rushed from there by ambulance to the emergency room with his oxygen at 88%. He was put in an observation room in the ER at St Lukes for 24 hours. They thought he was getting better and released him. The next morning when I took him back to his pediatrician so she could check him...he was rushed back to the hospital with oxygen of 89%..this time Texas Children's Hospital downtown. He was admitted there for 3 days. He had pneumonia, a partially collapsed lung, and fluid outside his lung. It seems that the first hospital discharged him without seeing if he could hold his oxygen levels while being off of oxygen and discharged him with the wrong meds.

Friday I joined Weight Watchers. I gave in. I am doing it online and have lost 3 lbs since I started. Hopefully I can stick with it and it will work for me.
Josiah reminds me of you when you were little. I am glad he is feeling better.
How clever to come up with such a fitting 100th day project!
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