The good news is Josiah is better...the bad news is...I am now sick. I have bronchitis. Don't you just love kids and the germs they pass on. He has been feeling good since Saturday whereas I have wanted to die. No workouts for me since last Wednesday. Aagh! No run this weekend because Josiah was sick Saturday and I was sick Sunday. I think the stars are lined up against me and running. Please let me get better soon! I just want to go run and get ready for the half marathon. It seems every time I take 1 step forward...I take 3 steps back. I know things will get better...I just need to have a little pity party right now.
And while I'm at it...let me complain about students and their parents. So two football players get in a fight last week before school. One of them is brought to me because he has blood everywhere from his nose. I get him cleaned up and call the campus police officer and the assistant principal. Both kids are suspended from school for 3 days and issued citations. The parent of the kid who beat up the other kid wants a meeting because he wants to know why we called the police and principals. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! That is why I am at school today sick when I should be laying in bed getting better....because I had a 7:30 meeting this morning to explain to the parent that if his kid wouldn't fight at school, he wouldn't be suspended and have a citation. That's ok...I coughed as many times as I could in that closed little office so now hopefully they will have suspension, citation, and a nice cold over Thanksgiving break!
That's the way to get 'em. Hope you're feeling better. Missed you Saturday!
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
Dont feel bad i have two sick ones myself. One is Mark. Do i need to say more. Thank God its not Max too. Lindsey is the other one. JOY TO THE WORLD!!!!
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