I signed up for New Orleans 70.3 wanting to better my time from my 2008 Vineman 70.3 race. After I signed up I set out to find other suckers, I mean friends, to join me. We had a great crew racing in New Orleans this year (Me, Patty, Shannon, Pam, Tessy, Deb, Rita, Fran, John S, and Brandy). Most of us raced together at Vineman 2 years ago.
When we went to packet pickup, I found out my race number was 1000!! How lucky was that!! Race day came and I was ready. I had trained according to the Vineman training plan we purchased a couple of years ago and only missed about 3 workouts total over the 12 weeks due to work. I knew this was my year and wanted a major PR!
On race morning, we set up transition and then met together for a little team talk led by Tessy and then the first of our wave of swimmers went to get in the water. I was in a later swim wave with Shannon and Rita. The swim was the hardest swim I have ever done. Growing up in California, I learned how to swim in the ocean, lakes, and rivers...not the pool. I am not scared or even worried when it comes to open water swimming, but this was crazy! Three foot swells was going over your head while trying to get a breath. I started to hyperventilate a couple of times but started breast stroking to calm myself down and then went back to swimming. I kept thinking to myself that this would be successful if I could keep it under 1:05 at this point. I started thinking of other things until I got into a rhythm. I ended up out of the water faster than I thought.
Vineman 70.3 Swim Time - 52:09
IMNO 70.3 Swim Time - 57:57
When I was running to my bike, Rita was leaving with her bike so I was glad she wasn't far ahead of me. Shannon was long gone by then! I set out on my bike. A guy had told us before the race to be careful the first 3 miles and last 3 miles of the bike ride because the roads were pretty tore up. There were a couple of bridges for hills but otherwise this course was flat and fast! It was really windy out there though and it seemed like the wind changed direction at least 5 times. As people would pass me or I passed people, they would yell out, GO LUCKY 1000!!! I had my own fan club just from my race number! I saw Patty and Rita a couple of times on the bike ride so that was cool. The hi light for me was passing the guy on his tri bike with disc wheels and a cone helmet...he never passed me back!! LOL
Vineman 70.3 Bike Time - 4:08:34.
IMNO 70.3 Bike Time - 3:17:36 (17mph)
The run was where I slowed down. It was so hot out there and the first 5 miles there is no shade! Once we got into the park it was nice and shaded with a little breeze. I saw Tessy when I first got into the park at Mile 5 and she was leaving the park at about mile 9. I yelled for her and she told me to keep it up. I saw Rita, Patty, and Fran a couple of times in the park. Once out of the park you run down a long shaded street. It was nice but by that time I was starting to cramp in my right calf and my stomach was killing me from drinking to much of Lake Ponchatrain. LOL I was so glad when it was over...even though I was disappointed with my run time.
Vineman 70.3 Run Time - 3:27:46
IMNO Run Time - 3:04:31
Overall, I had a great time and am very glad that I do not EVER have to swim in Lake Ponchatrain again as I do not do 70.3's twice! I had a blast on Bourbon St with Patty, Shannon, and Pam for my first time! Nothing like Bourbon St and beer 2 days before a Half IronMan!
Vineman 70.3 - 8:37:20
IMNO 70.3 - 7:28:57