Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love These...

This is the best invention since sliced bread. I put my asparagus (or vegetable of the day) in a bag in the morning with some Mrs Dash and take it to work. At lunch time I pop it in the microwave for whatever time it says for each vegetable on the outside of the bag and...Voila! I have a perfectly healthy steamed vegetable for lunch. Wow! How healthy is that!

I haven't tried any meats in the bag...but they do have directions for that.

Funny and true story. My grandpa started cooking everything with Mrs Dash because he needed to restrict his salt and the doctor receommended it. If my grandmother knew it was in the food, she would act like it was choking her and she was allergic to it. If he slipped it in without her knowing, she would eat and be perfectly fine! HAHAHAHA I sure do miss them.


TessyTris said...

OK I have the bags so I guess I need to go to the grocery store and actually buy some veggies now!

June said...

Perfect for work!