Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday, Septmeber 19th

WE ARE BORED!!! How do you entertain a 5 year old for 5 days without cable???? We have watched The Sandlot 7 times....ugh! Well, things are going well. Teachers had to meet at the school today, but Elkins still is without power and air conditioning and the generators went out last night...sooooo....that meeting lasted 7 minutes...long enough for them to tell us we probably wouldn't be back at school Monday and to get the updated football schedule.
The plus to all of this is that my house is cleaner than it has ever been...not that it always isn't clean, but now it is spotless. I scrubbed the tile floors in my whole house on my hands and smells wonderful. And I threw everything away in the bathroom and bought all new stuff at Target on Monday....I'm thinking off painting later today or this weekend.
We are off to the park so Josiah can ride his bike and do some running....he says he needs to start training for the Turkey Trot kids mile....he thinks he might win this year! :)


sassy stephanie said...

Dear Ms. Clean,

Please visit us in the country. It's a stinky mess over here.

Shirley said...

I'm glad to hear that you are going back to school on Monday. Good luck