Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday, Septmeber 19th

WE ARE BORED!!! How do you entertain a 5 year old for 5 days without cable???? We have watched The Sandlot 7 times....ugh! Well, things are going well. Teachers had to meet at the school today, but Elkins still is without power and air conditioning and the generators went out last night...sooooo....that meeting lasted 7 minutes...long enough for them to tell us we probably wouldn't be back at school Monday and to get the updated football schedule.
The plus to all of this is that my house is cleaner than it has ever been...not that it always isn't clean, but now it is spotless. I scrubbed the tile floors in my whole house on my hands and smells wonderful. And I threw everything away in the bathroom and bought all new stuff at Target on Monday....I'm thinking off painting later today or this weekend.
We are off to the park so Josiah can ride his bike and do some running....he says he needs to start training for the Turkey Trot kids mile....he thinks he might win this year! :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

My Evacuation so far....

I finally learned how to play this morning!!! WOOHOO!!! So much far today I have cooked breakfast for everybody, ate oreos, played guitar hero and mario cart, and took a shower... Just think, I should be taping ankles for the football game right now.
We are all safe and I will post another update tonight if we don't lose power at my moms...the wind is picking up...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Evacuation Update

Josiah and I will hit the road as soon as these football players finish lifting weights at 12:30. All Fort Bend ISD activities have been canceled effective at 2:30 pm today. I will leave earlier to beat everybody out of town. I will update my blog periodically so check here for updates on us this weekend.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ike's Cone Updated


Hurricane Ike

NOT AGAIN!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! We are watching the weather channel hoping to not evacuate again. We are the Channel 2 Friday Football Frenzy Game of the Week for the whole Houston area this week. That is what happens when you beat the defending state champions. Hopefully Ike will go beat up on somebody else so we can get some air time! Watch for updates!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Weekend in Review

Friday was the first official football game of the season and we won! We beat the defending Texas State Champion Lamar Consolidated Mustangs! WOOHOO!!!! What a great game...and nobody got seriously hurt! WOOHOO!!!!
Saturday my plan was to get up early, ride my bike, and then get to work for 10:00 am treatments. I didn't set my alarm because 7am is sleeping in to me so I knew I would be up in plenty of time. WRONG! I heard my phone beep that I had an email and when I looked at the clock it was 9:20. WHAT??? I hurried up, took a shower, and got to treamtent at 10:05. The boys gave me a hard time about being late. Dang. When treatment was done at 11:00 I headed to pick up Josiah. He had just layed down for a nap so I waited for him to wake up. When he woke up, he had a small cough. UH OH!
Sunday Josiah woke up with a terrible cough. CRAP! We stayed in all day in our pajamas so he wouldn't get worse. He had a breathing treatment about 7:30 and again at 9:30 because he was wheezing. UH OH! At 3:30am we headed to the ER. He couldn't breathe. When we got there is O2 level was 90...when we left at 6:00 his O2 level was 98. I rushed home, took a shower, threw some clothes on, dropped Josiah off at my freinds, and raced to work by 6:45. MADE IT! Josiah fell asleep in the car since he had not slept all night. Last night when I got home he was feeling much better. He is at school today and the long awaited (I made the appt in April) appt with the Pulmonologist is tomorrow.
Tina Turner is coming to Houston in concert on Oct 26th and I hope I get to go. It is a Monday night so no work...I just have to talk LaToya into it. And in more Tina news, Hurricane Ike is headed our way! hehehehehe