Thursday, December 18, 2008

Only 7 Shopping Days until Christmas....

...and I'm done!!! it's a new record!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's Beginning to Look...

...a lot like Christmas!!! WOW!!! It snowed in Sugar Land and the surrounding areas yesterday. The last time it snowed was Dec 24th, 2004. I know this because Josiah got a 4 wheeeler for Christmas (he was 18 months old) and rode it all over the snow covered yard on Christmas morning. It was awesome. Yesterday he acted as if it was his first snow because he was to young to remember last time. I was decorating the Christmas Tree when it started snowing and we went out and ran around in it for about an hour. FUN!!!

Josiah catching the snow on his tongue...

The roof of our shed...

The garden fence...

Garden fence again...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Last night's conversation:

Josiah: "Mom...who celebrates Hannukah?"
Me: "Jewish People"
Josiah: "Why can't we celebrate Hannukah?"
Me: "We aren't Jewish"
Josiah: "Well my choir teacher said that lots of Mexicans and Africans are Jewish..."
Me: "What is your choir teacher's name because she is full of shit..."
Josiah: "Well let me ask my dad"...(he calls dad)..."Dad...are Mexicans Jewish?"
Norb: "Mexicans are Catholic"
Josiah: (hangs up with dad) "Mom...can't we light some candles anyways?"
Me: "I light that good smelling cinnamon one every night"
Josiah: "No...I meant some tall skinny ones like Jewish people...."

WTF!!!! I will be calling the choir teacher later today after I have had my coffee.....

Monday, December 8, 2008

Michael Kors

I must have these shoes....I gave the SAT at school on Saturday and am giving the ACT this Saturday to pay for them....

Friday, December 5, 2008

It's Christmas Sugar Land...

Last night Josiah and I went on our annual Sugar Land Christmas Tree Lighting Adventure. We had a lot of fun as we were joined by Patty and family after we finished eating at Josiah's favorite Johnny Rockets on Town Square. A little pricey for burger and fries so we only go there twice a year, on Josiah's birthday and for the Christmas tree lighting....exactly 6 months apart! When we were done eating, we hit Starbucks on Town Square for my Vanilla Latte and Josiah's Hot Chocolate...YUMMY! We then met up with Patty and kids and walked around the little tents that were set up with kid activities. We then headed to the tree lighting and ended up in the perfect spot to see Santa go from one building the front of City hall where he pushed the button to light the Christmas Tree...that guy is magic in Josiah's words! It helped that one of the city workers in charge told us we were in the perfect spot to see all the action and to not move! Here are some pictures from last night...I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!

Josiah in the snow / Josiah with Catherine & Jack

Thursday, December 4, 2008

In Mourning...

My best friend in Cali, Terri, mom passed away yesterday from cancer. She was told last week 3-6 months with the new chemo.... At least she was able to have Thanksgiving at home with Terri and Kenny. She went back to the hospital Saturday night in major pain and not being able to breathe. She signed her own hospice papers Tuesday night at 6:00 and passed away at 3:30 am. I knew something was wrong all day yesterday....something kept telling me to call Terri, and when I went to get my phone to call her, the text came in from her that her mom had about sixth sense....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Toy of the Year

Every year there is one toy out there that is so hard to find...because every kid in America wants it. I remember the year CABBAGE PATCH KIDS came dad drove 200 miles on Christmas Eve to get one for me....everybody was sold out where we lived and I would have died if I would not have got one. I was 8 and it was the TOY OF THE YEAR!!! Christmas night at my grandmother's house, my brother colored my precious doll's face blue with permanent marker....I cried and cried, and my dad almost killed him....remember he had driven 400 miles round trip. My mom, aunt, and grandma scrubbed and scrubbed, trying every cleaner they had on hand to no avail. My doll's face always had a blue tint from that day on.

Now, 26 years later, I find myself trying to find that elusive gift for Josiah...the one he just can't live without. Last year it was the Optimus Prime Transformers voice changing helmet. This year....Eye Clops Night Vision Goggles.

Regular retail price:$79.99
Sale price before the holidays: $69.99
Target's price the 3 days before Thanksgiving: $50.00

Since I live halfway between 2 Targets, I went to both everyday, twice a day, looking for the goggles, only to have them sold out every day of the sale. They would get a delivery and be sold out 5 minutes later. It seems they are the TOY OF THE YEAR!!! AAGH!! So Wednesday morning I ditched Josiah for the 6th time and went back to Target for the last time...hoping they would have them. First Target...STRIKE OUT! Second Target...SCORE! YES!! To bad Santa will get all of the credit!

I can't wait to try these out on a nightime trail run!! They are suppose to be able to see up to 50 feet!!!